TCS007A: Digital Imaging

Date, Location, & Time

Date Location Time
Monday, August 7th 12:30PM - 5:30PM Art Annex 103
Tuesday, August 8th 12:30PM - 5:30PM Art Annex 103

Art Annex Building Locations


None! Only an interest in learning about the process of digital imaging


Source Materials
Starting on the second day, we'll be working with photographs that you've taken. More information is provided at the end of the third in-class assignment, but you'll need to bring in a number of photographs the second day. This could be through email or on USB thumb drives.

Required Texts (none!)

There are no required texts for this workshop. Glossy books are nice to hold and look at, but they are expensive and annoying when you have to move. More importantly, they are out of date the moment they are published. Many good resources are avaialble online, and the slides have some links to external pages.

Concepts Covered

  1. Introductions
  2. Raster and Vector Files
  3. File Formats
  4. Paint Tools
  5. Selection Tools
  6. Digital Darkroom
  7. Layers/Compositing
  8. Text Tools
  9. Filters and Effects
  10. Vector Shapes


In-Class Assignments (80%)
There will be between 6 and 8 in-class assignments. They are designed to encourage you to explore Photoshop. They must be turned in by the end of the workshop.
Quiz (20%)
There will be a short quiz at the beginning of the second day. So get there on time!

In-Class Assignments & Lectures

Module 1
PowerPoint Lecture PDF
In-Class Exercise1
Module 2
PowerPoint Lecture PDF
In-Class Exercise2
Palm Tree RAW file
Mars Image
Lamp Post Image
Module 3
PowerPoint Lecture PDF
In-Class Exercise3
Traveler Image
Cloud Image
Mars Image
Stars Image
Clouds Image
Cliffs Image
Module 4
PowerPoint Lecture PDF
Crooked Palm Tree
Running Water
Sea Horse
Module 5
PowerPoint Lecture PDF
Module 6
PowerPoint Lecture PDF