Welcome to my favorites page!

Here are some of my favorite things:

My favorite plants include cannabis, sage, cedar, roses, orchids, lavender, red ocotillo, scorpion grasss, and more!

This image of orchids was created by the Weekend Magazine.

Here are my favorite recipes:

This is my favorite bananna bread recipe.
My dad's mom, Marilyn, got the recipe form her grandma (I'm pretty sure), but my mom perfected baking it so it is just a bit gooie in the cracks on top of the bread.

Here are my favorite images:

This is my favorite semi-recent profile picture.
This was cropped from a larger picture of my fellow housemates and I inside the cooperative living situation I was a part of 2015-2016 known as the Aggrarian Effort Co-Op, Ag for short.

This is my favorite picture of us all who lived in Ag.
This is the larger picture of my fellow housemates and I in Ag's lilving room.

This is my favorite picture of us all who lived in Ag.
This is the larger picture of my fellow housemates and I in Ag's lilving room.
This is my favorite picture of water.
This was taken by my dad, Warren at the Charles Schultz museum in Santa Rosa.

Here are my favorite movies: