Welcome to my about page!


Image of Becca Payne taken by Robin Payne
This image of me was taken by Robin Payne in 2011 and edited by me last week.

My name is Becca Payne. Today is August 15th, 2017. I am a senior at UC Davis and double majoring in English and Technocultural Studies. Technocultural studies was a major at UCD that was discontinued after 2015, and it is the theory of how technology influences culture and how culture shapes ne technologies that are introduced to said culture/s. I recieved an Emerging Consciousness Award in 2010 from my high school English and History teachers Ms. Kautsch and Todd, which I am still proud of, cuz I am still constantly trying to learn and expand my knowledge and understanding of the world and all of the people that inhabit it, and the universe and all the life out there too. I hope to see the people alive today change the world to make it as free from systemic oppression as is humanly possible. I am so sick and tired of this shit; wanna ride n with me as we try to change the world?

Here are some of my favorite things and people:

Becca and younger siblings
This is me with my younger siblings in 2014 at the Exploratorium in San Francisco: Robin is 18 months younger than me and to the left of me; and Marty is 7 years younger than me and on top of Robin and I.